Sunday, March 01, 2009

An active couple of days!

Ok! Wow so much stuff has happened since arriving it's hard to believe it's only been 4 days!

I underestimated how much the travel would screw me, arriving at 7am after 20 hours of commuting kinda sucked. I was dead tired, but not wanting to let jetlag affect me too much i decided to push through and stay up as late as i could to minimise the impact. I reached about 7pm and slept for nearly 14 hours. was fantastic.

Alana came to her senses and let me stay at her place for the first few nights, which I REALLY appreciated! Her housemates and friends that i've met are really lovely people and i have all intentions of stealing them from her :)

Here are some other notable things from the past few days:

- It snowed first night! Such a beautiful thing to wake up to a light covering of snow over everything :)
- Got my SIN Number (tax file no.)
- Got a canadian mobile number*
- Got a bank acccount
- Witnessed a homeless guy pushing himself down the street on a wheelchair backwards while shoveling spaghetti into his face
- Viewed three potential places to live, two that were terrible, one that was great but too expensive.
- Extremely disapointed at the quality and especially the cost of coffee!

I'm currently in the rec. room at the hostel. I've been sitting here for about 5 hours and it's been quite an experience. People just keep coming and going, i've met so many and nearly all will leave tomorrow. it's pretty crazy having people connect and relate so much having travel as the only thing in common.
This week i'm really going to focus on getting a place to live. I'm gonna keep looking in Kitsilano where Alana lives, it's kinda like middle parkish.. a little more expensive but really relaxed and heaps of sharehousing.

I better go and be a little more social withthe people sitting at this table with me! hehe

Til soon.


* Mobile phone plans here are unbelievably crap. I'm currently paying $25 a month for 100 minutes to people in my area code which is limited to vancouver. There is no callerId unless you pay $6 a month for it, texting is unlimited but international is extra on top, and the best part, the 100 minutes includes paying TO RECEIVE CALLS!?! so so so lame, they're being completely ripped off and dont even realise it.

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